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Create a Life You Absolutely LOVE! Make It EXACTLY the Way You Want By Owning Your Truth!

You know, we only get one shot at this wonderous thing that is our life. And yet so many of us wake up every day feeling trapped and desperate. I know. I grew up believing my thoughts, feelings, and desires didn't matter.  I was supposed to play nice by taking care of, and pleasing others.  I had no idea what it was to be human, vulnerable, or imperfect.  Instead I doubted myself, my worth, and my perceptions. I was exhausted and confused, because I couldn't figure out why I was constantly giving and, in return, getting less and less.  Instead of appreciation, I got indifference or disrespect.  I wanted to escape these one-sided relationships, but I had no idea how to "make it on my own."  I KNEW there HAD to be a BETTER way.

There was. There IS a better way. Let me show you how.

  • Have you forgotten what you want and how to have fun?
  • Are you clinging to the past, and scared of the future?
  • Are you afraid to express your true feelings?
  • Are you finally ready to create the life you were ALWAYS meant to live?

Then THIS is the place for you. And NOW is YOUR time!

Enter your details now for free no obligation call. Let's explore the possibilities...

Ann brings a beautiful combination of clarity, compassion, and humor to our coaching sessions.  She gets “you” because she’s been where you are, she’s done the work on herself, and she’s broke on through to the other side. She knows exactly how to guide you to do the same.  Ann creates a space where you can examine old limiting thoughts and patterns that are keeping you stuck and finally release them so you can own your truth, follow your passion unapologetically, and have fun along the way.

Veronica Mollica Living With Grace

I got more out of my sessions with Ann than I could have imagined.  I viewed it as an investment in my own personal oxygen mask; you know the one you’re supposed to put on yourself before helping others?  Here’s why I choose to use a coach:  My personality thrives on forced accountability and Ann held my feet to the fire in that regard.  I also loved her no bullshit style.  She kicks ass and takes names.  I feared that if I didn’t put our plans into action, she would hunt. me. down.  What really happened was that I gained a mentor for life.  She’s not my friend, she’s my coach.  She tells me when I’m being an asshole. And then she helps me figure out how to get back on track.  I am now part of her tribe– A group of ambitious women who want to make their lives mean something. Her own story is inspiring.  She makes me want to be inspiring too.

Kriste Stevenson

Ann gave me focus, direction, and wisdom.  Thank you with all my heart.  The wheels are turning.  I have found my confidence. The ball has started rolling in the right direction.  I’m putting my foot down, and I’m not taking shit anymore!     (photo credit Jay Philbrick)

Kristina Folcik-Welts White Mountain Running Company
quote-tip I just wanted to say thanks. Finally it all worked out. I am officially a family coach. I got certified on Dec.8th,2013. It all started because of Ann. That half hour Breakthrough Session on the phone taught me a lot. BTW, I became what some might call a b*tch because I say NO all the time. Lots of people ran for the hills.  I say ciao ciao, meow meow.  Oh yeah, I started writing my book too.
- Shelley Winterburn, Alberta, Canada

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Those dreams that burn in your heart? That is your spirit calling you to step into the life you LOVE. Joy is your birthright. You know how fast time goes by. The clock WILL run out. Don’t waste another minute!


Ann Sheybani is a professional speaker, writer, and coach best known for successfully coaching people-pleasers on the simple strategies that help them revamp their image, reclaim their personal space, uncover their passions, and pursue exciting new goals that will re-ignite their life. She's all about saying no. Cutting the nice-girl crap. And reclaiming one's power through adventure. Ann's clients successfully attract better jobs, more clients, and exciting partners and friends simply by embracing the person they were always meant to be.
