fade-leftfade-rightYou Are NOT Alone. There IS A Better Way.



Create the Work and the Life You Absolutely LOVE! Make It EXACTLY the Way You Want It!

We only get one shot at this wondrous thing that is our life. And yet so many of us wake up every day feeling trapped and desperate. I know. I did. Despite graduating from a great law school and landing a plum job; despite having all the 'toys' that went with a 'successful' life; despite being told over and over how 'lucky' I was; I would go to the office every day thinking that this couldn't be all there was... . I thought I had followed the 'rules' for success, done everything 'right;" and yet, I counted the days each week til Friday. I dreaded Sundays. I literally felt sick on Monday mornings. I felt lost and adrift.  I KNEW there HAD to be a BETTER way. There was. I found it.

And YOU can find it too.  I will show you how.

  • Are you worn down by long hours, unhappy clients & firm politics?
  • Do you feel trapped in work that doesn't satisfy?
  • Are you stressed out and spread too thin with no time left for you?
  • Are you feeling stuck with no clear way out?
  • Are you finally ready to create the life you were ALWAYS meant to live?

Then THIS is the place for you. And NOW is YOUR time!

As a professional career and success coach and attorney, I work with folks all over the world who, just like you, struggle to live life on their own terms.

Coaching may or may not be right for you. Enter your details now for a no obligation call. Let's explore the possibilities together... .

Walt Hampton’s coaching has empowered me to take purposeful action toward pursuing my most ambitious endeavors while maintaining balance in my life. Because he comes from a place of authenticity and real-world experience, Walt has helped me gain more clarity in my personal and professional strategies, has been a huge asset in maintaining a winner’s mindset in my business and life. JT DeBolt

Book Your Call Now!


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Those dreams that burn in your heart? That is your spirit calling you to step into the life you LOVE. Joy is your birthright. You know how fast time goes by. The clock WILL run out. Don’t waste another minute!


Walt Hampton is a career and success coach, internationally acclaimed speaker and best-selling author of Journeys on the Edge: Living a Life That Matters. Ivy educated as a trial lawyer and trained as a Results Coach by Robbins Research International, Walt's passions are high altitude mountaineering, ultra-distance running, blue water sailing and adventure photography. Walt will inspire and empower you to discover and create work that sets your heart on fire.


What we do: We offer a number of transformational coaching programs: 3-month; 6-month; and year-long programs. We bill these programs on a per program basis. By booking a call, you are under no obligation whatsoever to enroll in any of our transformational coaching programs. Our time together is solely for assessing your own individual needs.